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You can choose any other topic and also make the combination of topics that best fits your needs

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You can choose any other topic and also make the combination of topics that best fits your needs

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You can choose any other topic and also make the combination of topics that best fits your needs

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You can choose any other topic and also make the combination of topics that best fits your needs

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We provide different topics of FM training courses and workshops that cover the essentials of FM knowledge for different types of sectors:
  • Governmental
  • Educational
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Commercial
  • Residential
We deliver those courses and workshops in the following format:
  • In English or in Arabic
  • Public or in-house
  • Virtual or in-class
You can choose any other topic and also make the combination of topics that best fits your needs

Course FM01: Facility Management Fundamentals (5 days)

Topic #1: Introduction to facility management
Topic #2: Build and manage the facility strategic plan
Topic #3: Service contract agreement drafting and monitoring
Topic #4: FM budgeting
Topic #5: Performance measurement and management

Course FM02: Operation and Maintenance Management (5 days)

Topic #1: Maintenance strategy and selection process
Topic #2: Develop preventive maintenance business plan
Topic #3: Maintenance workflow process
Topic #4: Maintenance analysis methods
Topic #5: Best practices in facility operations

Course FM03: Workplace Management (5 days)

Topic #1: Occupant services management
Topic #2: Occupant satisfaction management
Topic #3: Productive workplace management
Topic #4: Safety management
Topic #5: Risk management

Free Zoom Meeting! Call us at your convenience for more details.

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